“Settle with Confidence” – We provide you free Contract Review within 24hours.
Who We Are
“We take above promises seriously as we settle every matter with confidence!”
Our on-going commitment to our clients & our demand for the highest professional standard have make us one of the Australia’s trusts Conveyancing firm.
Our success depends on your success. Therefore, at any stage during the matter with Viconveyancing you feel that these standards are not being met, we would appreciate you telling us about it by contacting our office (03) 8658 9818 or email [email protected]
Highest professional standard in all matter.
Highly experienced conveyancers.
Super Quick
Prompt responses to all enquires.
Legal documents prepare to the highest standards.
Competitive pricing & innovative cost structure to meet a variety of needs including fixed fees.
Prompt responses to all your enquiries from our experienced conveyancers team.

No Surprise Fees!
What Our Clients Say
“Sell your property faster” – Express services in Contract of Sale and Section 32s.
Get a Quotation
Would you like to speak to one of our financial advisers over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also e-mail us for any further concern.
Monday to Friday : 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sarturday : 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday & Holidays : Closed
Sarturday : 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday & Holidays : Closed